System Parameters
There are parameters by which we can understand and measure a system. In classical Nonviolent Communication we know the needs. These represent the parameters of the inner life and show what a person needs in a particular context. In NVC-plus, however, we do not want to measure the personal needs of a person, but the abstract needs of a system. Why is this important? If you want to build a clock together, then the goal results in the need parameters for e.g. a workshop. It need not be large, but it must be sufficiently clean. The tools would have to provide adequate or at least sufficient precession. In NVC-plus, however, there are not only the parameters of design, but parameters for all fields of the four-step circle. The approach was already touched by Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian with the Differential Analytical Inventory (DAI).
Requirement Lists
We can create a separate parameter list for each NVC-plus field of the four-step circle and that's exactly what we did. You can find it in the download area. But for simplification we have also created two tool cards and on them we have listed on the one hand the parameters of the common field and on the other hand the parameters of the common design. The words direct our mind to certain qualities and make them "measurable". We don't need to spend a lot of time arguing if something is not right and we try to grasp it with arguments and reflections. We pick out the parameters that are involved and that may not get enough attention. If formative parameters of the blue tool map T4.1 lead to great tensions, then, according to experience, this is often related to ignored field parameters of the green tool map T3.2. If the team members have a good interpersonal field that sufficiently serves the currently important parameters such as attention, openness and trust, then this field has a supportive and stabilizing effect. Then one can concentrate on the design parameters and effectively talk about cleanliness, order or transparency. However, if you don't find a solution on the blue map, check the parameters of the field. You can find detailed parameters for all fields of the four-step circle in the needs lists and you can shorten the discussions with them if you hand them out and ask everyone to mark the relevant needs parameters on the topic. Then you consider how to strengthen these parameters appropriately.
You can find the requirements lists and the cards in the book or in the download tool depot.
Organising projects with self-organised teams
There are parameters by which we can understand and measure a system. In classical Nonviolent Communication we know the needs. These represent the parameters of the inner life and show what a person needs in a particular context. In NVC-plus, however, we do not want to measure the personal needs of a person, but the abstract needs of a system. Why is this important? If you want to build a clock together, then the goal results in the need parameters for e.g. a workshop. It need not be large, but it must be sufficiently clean. The tools would have to provide adequate or at least sufficient precession. In NVC-plus, however, there are not only the parameters of design, but parameters for all fields of the four-step circle. The approach was already touched by Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian with the Differential Analytical Inventory (DAI).
Requirement Lists
We can create a separate parameter list for each NVC-plus field of the four-step circle and that's exactly what we did. You can find it in the download area. But for simplification we have also created two tool cards and on them we have listed on the one hand the parameters of the common field and on the other hand the parameters of the common design. The words direct our mind to certain qualities and make them "measurable". We don't need to spend a lot of time arguing if something is not right and we try to grasp it with arguments and reflections. We pick out the parameters that are involved and that may not get enough attention. If formative parameters of the blue tool map T4.1 lead to great tensions, then, according to experience, this is often related to ignored field parameters of the green tool map T3.2. If the team members have a good interpersonal field that sufficiently serves the currently important parameters such as attention, openness and trust, then this field has a supportive and stabilizing effect. Then one can concentrate on the design parameters and effectively talk about cleanliness, order or transparency. However, if you don't find a solution on the blue map, check the parameters of the field. You can find detailed parameters for all fields of the four-step circle in the needs lists and you can shorten the discussions with them if you hand them out and ask everyone to mark the relevant needs parameters on the topic. Then you consider how to strengthen these parameters appropriately.
You can find the requirements lists and the cards in the book or in the download tool depot.
System Parameters
Organising projects with self-organised teams